Hsiu-Fu Hsu
TEL: (02) 2621-5656 #2436(OFFICE)
Email : hhsu@mail.tku.edu.tw
LAB: C610-C612
Research Area and Expertise:
Organometallics and liquid crystals
Research Interests:
Organometallics and liquid crystals
We are focusing on investigating the synthesis and properties of different types of liquid crystals, especially discotic nematic and columnar mesogens. The materials designed include organic, coordination, and organometallic compounds. Some of the systems are designed for applications in LCDs. However, the main goal of our research is trying to manipulate molecular arrangements by designing molecules with different geometries and functional groups. By controlling the molecular packing motifs in liquid crystalline states, the corresponding properties can be achieved and proposed applications can be explored.
Professor, Tamkang University(2007-present)
Associate Professor,Tamkang University(2003-2007)
Tamkang University, Assistant Professor(1999-2003)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Postdoctoral Fellow(1997-1999)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ph. D.(1997)
National Sun Yat-Sen University, B. S.(1988)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ph. D.