
Adam Shih-Yuan Lee

TEL: (02) 2621-5656 #2543(OFFICE)
Email : adamlee@mail.tku.edu.tw

LAB: C602-C606

Research Area and Expertise:

Organic Chemistry, Drug Synthesis, Material Synthesis, Ultrasonic Chemistry

The long-standing goals of this laboratory are to develop the following:

(A) Novel regioselective and stereoselective organic reactions including methods for synthesis of potential biological active molecules such as

(a) b-Substituted carbonyl compounds and their derivatives such as b-amino, b-hydroxy, b-amido, b-alkoxy, b-halo ketone/ester, b-amino acid, b-peptide, and  a-hydroxy-b-amino acid.  

(b) 4- to 7-Member ring heterocyclic compounds such as b-lactam, b-lactone, a-methylene-g-lactone/ g-lactam, pyrrole, pyrrolidine, pyrazole, isoxazole, tetrahydrofuran, pyranone, piperidine, piperazine and diazepine.

(B) Synthesis of new organic electroptical materials such as electroluminesencent, organic field effect transistors (OFET) and fluororescent organic compounds. 

(C) Synthesis of new bio-linkers for protein biochips in addition to studying their self assembled monolayer (SAM) properties on various surfaces, especially aim to the conductiing and electroluminesencent properties.

(D) Recent important results include the discovery of some new antivirus (avian influenza) and antibacterial (Staphylococcus aureus) agents as well as the creation of a new organic compound, otherwise known as VirusBom, which has been successfully transferred to industry for commercial mass production.


Tamkang University, Professor(1998.5-present)
Graduate Institute of Life Sciences, Joint Professor(2003.8-present)
Department of Chemistry, Chairman(2001.8-2005.7)
Tamkang University, Associate Professor(1993.8-1998.4)
Emory University, Postdoctorate(1992-1993)
University of California, Riverside, Ph. D.(1988-1991)
University of California, Riverside, M. S.(1986-1988)
Tamkang University, Teaching Assistant(1985-1986)
Tamkang University, B. S.(1985)


University of California, Riverside, Ph. D.